Current Light Flashes
Outage Center My Account

Submit a Classified Ad

WFEC publishes free classified ads in the Current Light Flashes as a service to its members.

CLF Free Ad Policy

WFEC publishes free classified ads in the Current Light Flashes as a service to its members. The following limitations apply:

  1. Ads must be 20 words or less and must be legible, with an active electric account number at the top.
  2. Ads exceeding 20 words are subject to elimination or editing.
  3. Submit ads to the Graceville office by the 5th of the month to appear in the following month’s issue.  (Example: an ad arriving by Jan. 5 will appear in the Feb. CLF)
  4. Ads for services & businesses are not free. Service businesses include, but are not limited to, pet or livestock breeders or stud services, rentals, baby-sitting, etc.
  5. Any buying or selling on a regular basis will be considered a business. Garage sales & the sale of similar items on a repeated basis do not qualify for free advertising.
  6. WFEC may refuse to publish any ad (classified or commercial).
  7. You may submit your ad online using the form below.
  8. Limit 1 ad per household.
  9. WFEC does not accept ads over the phone. 

Enter the information as you want it to appear in the Current Light Flashes. Your ad must be 20 words or less.

Your ad: 0 /20 words