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The official voice of West Florida Electric Cooperative:
Trustee Election Materials Arrive Soon
Ballots and election materials for West Florida Electric Cooperative's (WFEC) Board of Trustee elections will be mailed on Thursday, March 28. Each WFEC member's voting packet will arrive in an envelope marked: "Annual Election Materials." This packet will contain everything you need to exercise your voting rights as a member-owner of WFEC. Seats on the board in Districts 7, 8, and 9 are up for election this year.
Each election packet will include:
• A letter from Carr, Riggs and Ingram, Certified Public Accountants & Advisors, the certified public accounting firm that receives and counts all completed ballots and announces the results to ensure fairness.
• A nominating committee report listing qualified candidates for the Board of Trustees.
• Profiles of each candidate up for election.
• An official ballot.
• A pre-addressed, postage-paid reply envelope.
Ballots are due on Wednesday, April 17, and should be received no later than 5:00 p.m. Ballots received after this deadline will be declared invalid. Do not deliver your ballot to any WFEC office.
Please follow all voting procedures listed in the packet you receive. It is important to note that ALL MEMBERS of the cooperative may vote in EACH district's election, regardless of their district of residence.