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Current Light Flashes

The official voice of West Florida Electric Cooperative:

February 2024

The Good Kind of Audit

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Cold weather typically results in higher energy bills, and with winter in full swing, we'd like to remind you about a free co-op service that can help you boost efficiency and save money.

As your trusted energy partner, West Florida Electric Cooperative (WFEC)believes savings and efficiency are within reach for everyone, and we want to help you get there. That's why we offer free home energy audits.

An energy audit provides a comprehensive overview of your home's efficiency. Understanding how your home uses energy can help determine the best way to adjust energy consumption, improve problem areas and keep more money in your wallet. An energy audit can also identify potential safety issues surrounding electrical wiring and HVAC systems, making your home safer. You could say this is a good kind of audit.

How does it work? First, give us a call and ask to speak with our resident energy advisor, Rhonda Byrd-Lee. She will talk with you about your energy use and ask you some questions about your home and habits. She will also review past energy bills. One of the greatest values of an energy audit is helping you understand how you use electricity and more importantly, identify ways to use it more efficiently. Making improvements and upgrades based on the audit can increase your property value - all the more reason to schedule an audit.

Free energy audits are just one of the many perks of your co-op membership, so we hope you will take advantage of this valuable service. If you are looking for more ways to save, check out our additional efficiency offerings like rebates on dual-fuel and mini-split heat pumps or upgrading
electric furnaces to high-efficiency heat pumps in your manufactured home. WFEC also offers a low-interest energy efficiency loan program to finance the purchase and installation of home efficiency upgrades. These programs and services are designed with our members in mind, putting the
power to save in your hands.

photo for The Good Kind of Audit